Perfect power play gives Williamsville North victory over Lancaster

Melissa Brawdy Facing Off

Don’t take penalties against Williamsville North. The Spartans work hard on their power play in practices, and six power play goals were key to a 10-4 win over Lancaster on Saturday.

“We work a lot of power play, probably 10, 15 minutes of practice,” explained forward Matt Terrance. “I don’t feel like we were handling the puck too much, we were just kind of moving it back and forth, getting them running around, and then my job in front is just to screen ’em, and I feel like I did a good job. We got a lot of good chances out there, and we finished rebounds too, which was important.”

Derek Westbrook and Adam Batz each recorded a hat trick, and Westbrook had two assists as well. Josh Surowiec had a goal and four assists, while Matt Terrance and Jared Cummins each scored once and collected three assists.

Lancaster had lost in overtime to Orchard Park in its previous game, and the Spartans were aware of that as they prepared for Saturday’s game. They expected a tough game, and without a lethal 6-for-6 power play performance by North, the game might have been a closer one.

“We knew they were playing good lately,” Surowiec said. “They took Orchard Park to overtime recently. We knew they were gonna have a better performance this time, coming at us hard, but we were really prepared. We just did our best out there, and the scoreboard showed that.”

“We thought they were gonna come out hard, and they did,” said Brett Sardina. “But our power play was really strong today, so we got good power play goals and just took control of the game.”

North’s first goal was an even strength goal from Westbrook that gave the Spartans the early lead they wanted just 1:57 into the first.

“It felt really good,” Westbrook said. “A couple minutes into the game, just to get an early jump on ’em.”

But six power play goals and three more even strength goals later, and North had the 10-4 victory and a 10-2-2 record in league play with just two games left to play.

Both Westbrook and Batz completed their hat tricks in the third period. Batz was not avaliable for comment following the game, but Westbrook’s excitement was clear.

“It was just awesome,” Westbrook said. “Great feeling; just credit to everyone on my line and on the power play for just doing a hell of a job today.”

Surowiec spoke of his five-point performance following the game. Four of his points, including the goal he scored, came on the power play.

“Those were on the power play, most of them,” Surowiec said. “We were really clicking today. Lot of practice on that during the week. We were just working really hard on the power play — just moving the puck, keeping our feet moving, just moving the puck with speed.”

And Terrance fulfilled his claim to fame with another game-winning goal, although he had a couple of late Lancaster goals to thank for that.

“It was good to get another one, but it was one of those things where you scored early on in the game and it just happens to be, they score a late one and you end up getting it,” Terrance said. “So it was nice, but I guess they just kind of found me.”

In addition to the power play, it was speed and puck movement and hitting that led to North’s success.

“We just moved the puck so well,” Westbrook said. “We got ’em scrambling and just put the puck in net. That’s it.”

“Just quick puck movement and crisp passes,” said Sardina. “Our speed was really good today. Heads up. Our hitting was good, so we were just throwing them off the puck and getting the puck.”

Williamsville North has already clinched the No. 1 seed going into this season’s large school playoffs, but the two remaining opponents are anything but teams to take lightly. On Thursday is St. Joe’s, and the Marauders are anxious to avenge a loss to North earlier in the season, their only league loss this year. And on Saturday, the Spartans are set to face Niagara Wheatfield, the team that defeated North in last season’s large school Section VI championship.

“We have a tough last two opponents, which is good going into the playoffs,” Terrance said. “St. Joe’s has been a rivalry for us dating back to day one of the North program, and we also have Niagara Wheatfield, who’s kind of like a new rival based on what’s been going on in the section finals. So it’s gonna be a couple good tests for us, and I think we’re playing our best hockey down the stretch, and it’s good to play those games at the end of the year. And I think our team is really ready to take those teams on.”

“Just gotta keep playing our game,” Westbrook said. “Nothing changes.”


Melissa BrawdyPerfect power play gives Williamsville North victory over Lancaster